Cerini Centre – Affordable Social Housing

Successful Cerini Walk

The Cerini Walk was successful as over a hundred people walked from Millgrove to the Cerini Centre in Warburton. But the true measure of the success of this walk will be a change in hearts, a change in attitude and the start of a movement to address homelessness.
Follow this link for photos from the walk.

The Affordable Social Housing Project

The Warburton Advancement League started this project to build social housing in the Upper Yarra Valley, they developed a cheaper solution to building social housing than the traditional housing model.

PDF Presentation
  • Why is this solution cheaper than conventional housing?
  • How far advanced is the project now?
  • Is there a location available in Warburton for this project?
  • What difficulties does the project face?
  • How many houses can be built in the first phase of construction?
  • Why is The Cerini Centre part of this project?

All these questions and more are answered in this website and if you have further questions then please contact us.
We have produced a PowerPoint presentation that summarises many of the details about the Affordable Social Housing project. You can access it by clicking on the image to the left or by using this link PowerPoint presentation in PDF format.